Officer Development Program [ODP] Data Analytics BNI Batch 2024 Subulussalam, Aceh

By | Januari 5, 2024

PT Bank Negara Indoneisa Tbk

Officer Development Program [ODP] Data Analytics BNI Batch 2024

Whether you are a fresh graduate or someone seeking a new challenge, BNI provide you with the opportunity to nurture your career in Officer Development Program.

As our bank continues to grow, we need more talented employees to become our future leaders. We need fresh, creative, skillful, and adventurous individuals who will lead and manage the bank’s transformation to achieve its mission in the future.

To be well prepared as our future leaders, you will be required to undergo one year comprehensive bankers training (you will be evaluated in the end of training).

Minimum Qualifications

Entrance Requirements :

  • S1 /S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies with the minimum GPA of:
    • S1: 3.00 or equivalent
    • S2: 3.25 or equivalent
  • Maximum age to apply:
    • S1: 26 years old
    • S2: 28 years old
  • Proficient in English and submit your score in the application (TOEFL /IELTS), minimum English score of TOEFL 450 / equivalent according to the specified criteria, we only accept scores provided by official /authorized institutions and valid
  • The current status of applicant is not married and willing to not get married during the training program (1 year)

Specific for Data Analytic :

  • Major in Computer Science, IT, Business, Statistics, MIPA, Engineering, or relevant major
  • Preferable if having a certificate related to Data Analyst that is recognized nationally/internationally

Jika berminat dengan Lowongan Kerja di atas, maka silahkan mengisi Form pendaftaran BUMN PT. BANK NEGARA INDONESIA
Sebagai berikut :

Perhatian :
Harap pastikan berkas yang anda upload memiliki kualitas yang baik ( jelas, tidak buram) dan pastikan email dan no.hp whatsapp aktif serta dapat menerima pesan, karena proses panggilan test dilakukan melalui email atau whatsapp.

Terima kasih

To apply for this job please visit